Cool Chick Conservancy!

    Hello and welcome to my portfolio! I am a 17-year-old high school student at GCE lab school. I am in Spanish class 3, where we have been learning about Latin American artists, holidays, events, and of course different grammar and vocabulary in the Spanish language. For our last action project of the year, we made our own non-profit organization! The rules were for it to be non-profit, for it to be in any country of our choice, and for there to be volunteer opportunities. We were also asked to use the vocabulary and grammar we learned in this unit. I hope you like it!

"Our poster", NM, 2023
"Poster sketch", NM, 2023


    Hola gente, nosotras somos parte de una organización llamada "cool chicks conservancy". Pedimos su ayuda en recaudar voluntarios para nuestra organización sanctuaria para animales de granja. Nos gustaría obtener voluntarios para ayudar a limpiar los espacios, alimentar los animales. También buscamos voluntarios más políticos como activistas y un gerente para mantener estructura en nuestra organización.

    Trabajaremos juntos para mantener el orden en nuestros locales. Por ejemplo limpiaremos los establos y la granja. Prepararemos comida saludable y nutritiva para los animales. Los voluntarios activistas ayudademos a sacar la palabra sobre la crueldad animal. Y el gerente será el que manejara lo financiero y general.

    This was a very fun group project to do! We came to an agreement immediately that we wanted our organization to be related to animals, and everything flowed naturally from there. While searching for pictures for our poster we stumbled upon a picture of chicks in sunglasses. That is how we came up with our organization name! The three chicks symbolize the three of us. The most difficult part for me was probably choosing the pictures to put on the poster, only because there were so many cute ones! Thank you for reading, listening, and visiting my post! 
