GMO's are Pros!

In my school I am in a class called “food”. In “food” we have been learning about GMO's (genetically modified organisms). In class we have learned about the reproductive systems of the flowers, and different types of plants. We watched videos and talked about Norman Borlaug, because of all the selective breeding he did to help farmers have more food for themselves and their families. We also looked at the non GMO side points that people had. My school goes on field experiences to have hands-on experience for what we are learning about. The other day we went to the farmers green market, and we were able to ask some questions about the seller's opinions on GMO’s and if their food had GMO’s. It was really fun! We sat down to eat and chat after walking around a bit. After that field experience I formed my own opinion on GMO’s. 

What are GMO's? GMO’s are not selective breeding, but they are similar. GMO’s are made in a lab. They have helped so much with preventing hunger. GMO’s are "better" seeds, because they are genetically modified to have more vitamins, be bigger, ect... Norman Borlaug did selective breeding. He did selective breeding for the first time. Since Norman Bourloug started selective breeding, there had been a huge increase of crops in where he worked. Here is an example of what is happening in the US because of selective breeding and GMO’s.

The slope is 1175, “US corn goes up 1175 per year”. When I calculate, my prediction for 2030’s maize would be 120819 crops. The y-Intercept (where the graph starts), is 39744.

I believe that GMO’s can be good for the world. I think we should keep making GMO’s. GMO’s prevent starvation for so many people, and GMO’s are proven to be safe. Making GMO’s means making better seeds which means more food, for less money. This is especially good for people struggling to get food on the table. From the experience at the green farmers market, we talked to someone who had an opinion about GMO’s. It was that GMO’s are an opinionated matter, neither side is good or bad. “I usually don’t get GMO’s at the store, but they help reduce hunger for many people, so in that case GMO's can be good”. 

Another point I want to make about GMO’s is that without them there would be much less tasty food and GMO’s have vitamins that they wouldn’t have before. I think that GMO’s should be supported because they make more food, they have more vitamins, and they taste good. People say that GMO’s are not natural and we should stop using GMO’s. I think that whoever doesn’t want to eat GMO’s can not eat GMO’s. If we stop using GMO’s the starvation would increase because of how much GMO cheap food we have that goes to the people that need it. Here.

I support GMO’s, but I also am against GMO’s being everywhere when they don’t need to be. I think that we should have half GMO’s and half non-GMO’s. Non-GMO’s are better for some people and GMO’s are better for other people. I don’t think there should be no GMO’s at all because GMO’s prevent hunger and make more food. GMO’s make food better tasting and with sometimes better vitamins, while being safe for us to eat. I think this is best for the people that need more food, so they don’t go hungry.


Rupp, R. (2021, May 3). Rebecca Rupp: I'm Pro-GMO and Here's Why. Culture.

Fulton, A. (2021, May 3). What Would a World Without GMOs Look Like? Culture.
