Live with a Llama in Peru!

     Hola! In my Spanish class at GCE lab school, we have recently been looking into and learning about all the different Latin American and Spanish-speaking countries. For a while, we have also been learning Spanish grammar, and we have recently specifically been learning how to conjugate the impersonal see, and conjugate the present tense. For our action project, we were supposed to make a travel brochure to a Spanish-speaking country of our choice, so I chose Peru. I hope you like it!

Machu Picchu. Dennis Jarvis. 2007.  CC BY-SA 2.0. Nothing changed.

That was my slideshow, I worked a lot more on this project than I should have, but I am proud of it because I put a lot of effort into it. I got really interested in the food which is why I went into detail about the Peruvian foods. I used lots of websites and pictures too, and they were all a lot to cite, but I'm proud that I got it all there. Thank you for visiting my blog post!
