How to - replace your knee with metal!

Hello, in my high school I am in a class that is called Cure. In this class, we have looked at different surgeries, talked about the different healers and doctors in the world, discussed medical ethics, learned about cell theory, IPMAT, and more. We even learned to use microscopes and we have been using them to see different types of cells and bacteria. Did you know your cheek cells look like raisins up close? Something else we talked about in this unit was the most common surgeries. The number one most common surgery is actually cataract surgery, and the third most common surgery is joint surgery! For our action project in this unit, we are making a pamphlet on the surgery of our choice. I will be studying knee replacement surgery, also known as arthroplasty. I hope you like my pamphlet, I tried to include a lot of helpful information.

Overall this project was enjoyable to do, it was really interesting learning about the surgical process of arthroplasty. Something that I related to the surgery from what I learned about cells in class is that, cells are like humans, when they find something worn out in the body they replace it. We are replacing the damaged and worn down cartilage in the human body through arthroplasty, and the cells in our body just keep on replacing worn-out components in our body. Arthroplasty is pretty interesting and I'm glad I chose to research it. Finding all the information I needed was the hardest part for me, but it was also interesting to learn about. I also enjoyed finding and adding pictures to each page of the pamphlet.
Thank you for reading my pamphlet and checking out my blog post! 

Medlineplus, 2022 "knee joint replacement"
Vecteezy, 2022 "informative poster"

  - These are cells
 that are affected by osteothritis.
