Strength of a Woman!

    Hello, I am NM and in my high school, I am in a class called Drama. In this class, we read The Tragedy of Macbeth together and we even watched the film together! The name of our first unit is called Queen. Throughout the unit, we have been discussing how people viewed gender roles in the Elizabethan era, in modern days, and how the characters in The Tragedy of Macbeth by Shakespeare viewed gender roles. We talked about how Shakespeare's characters in The Tragedy of Macbeth viewed gender roles in the strict way of “women are weak and men are strong”, but Shakespeare actually very much flipped those roles on his characters in The Tragedy of Macbeth. For our Action Project this unit, we were meant to write a Sonnet, one that is talking about our own opinion on gender roles, for a character in The Tragedy of Macbeth. I chose to direct my Sonnet to Lady Macbeth because although she is very strong, she believes that women should be weak. I want her to know that gender roles shouldn’t control how she acts and what she does in her life. I hope you like my Sonnet!

Strength of a Woman!

Women are as strong as men, it isn’t that bizarre
Being a woman does not make you weak, I know strength is what you seek
Thou shalt be as strong as you think you are, the reach is not that far
Thee say Macbeth is not a man, because thou think he’s weak

But if a “man” means being brave 
Then ye sure are a “man”
Thy sex does not define who thou art, it should not control how you behave
The sense that women are weak, that is what thou shalt ban

“Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty”
Why be unsexed when thou are strong as thou are a woman
Rather than getting Macbeth to kill, you yourself work up to royalty
In thyself thou can find the “man”

Believe that women can be strong, no need for others to understand
I know that being strong is hard, let someone know if ye need a helping hand

This unit in Drama was very fun, I liked talking about the different definitions of a queen, and the characters in The Tragedy of Macbeth. Looking at the characters from different perspectives was very interesting for me, I liked it. Writing a sonnet was definitely difficult at first, but I am proud of my sonnet. I liked expressing how I view gender roles in a new way that I haven’t done before. Thank you for visiting my blog!
