Community for Agriculture

How would you feel if your family was dying of curable diseases because you don’t have healthy food?

Welcome to my page! In a class I am in called "food for thought" we started talking about SDG (sustainable development goal) #2, which is to end world hunger. We had to each pick a target from SDG #2, and I picked target 2.4, which is (according to, “By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality”. I picked this target randomly, but I think it was a great choice. We had to research and then make a speech about it, and the video had to have no editing by the way. That’s all I wanted to say, I hope you like my speech and I hope it inspires you!

The SDG’s are the sustainable development goals for the world. I want to talk about target 2.4 in SDG #2 because I believe that the main reason people are getting diseases and going hungry is because they don’t have the right resources. What I think should happen is there should be more stores that are close to the people that need them the most, and those stores should have resources for growing healthy food. What I’m trying to say is that there are solutions for target 2.4 and I want to share some ideas.

Ron Finley said that “growing your own food is like printing your own money”. There are people that are sick and in hunger because they just don’t have the right resources to live a completely healthy life. The most important thing is to give easy access to resources for the poor to make healthy agriculture together as a community. That is the goal, and therefore I think there should be incentives to also work together to stay healthy. So many people are dying of curable diseases. In addition, bad weather conditions are making it harder to grow food, and there needs to be solutions for what people should do that doesn’t hurt the earth but instead helps the earth.

There are historical examples of what is happening now. Ireland faced a similar problem in the 1800’s, because their crops were dying and they became poor. In “Empires of Food” by Evan D. G. Fraser and Andrew Rimas, it says “We are making the same mistake our ancestors did”. We must remember the history that has happened and make changes based on our lessons from the past.

We should learn from those mistakes that were made a long time ago. What they did was that they planted only potato crops, and when some crops were infected by a fungus-like organism, it spread to all the other potato crops. By then they couldn’t do anything about it and they went hungry. We can learn from history. We should spread the word to not start a monoculture, but a polyculture. In other words, plant a variety of crops, not just one.

What I really recommend is that there should be stores close to the people that are suffering from hunger and disease. These stores can sell seeds, tools, and offer educational resources, to be able to plant outside your house or anywhere, like in community lots. Easy access to water for these communities, in order to grow crops successfully is also important. I think that governments should influence their people to work together, and learn how to make polyculture agriculture. With a community, things are more likely to work out because of teamwork and combined knowledge.

If we think about the factors and the ideas, and actually go through with them, we can change the world. Communities need to have the right resources to grow their own food, and be encouraged to work together. That is my main argument regarding this goal. This will ensure sustainable food production systems. One amazing way to deal with SDG #2, is building communities that grow their own variety crops together.

Climate Resilient Water Safety Planning to Improve Water Supply and Public Health. International Water Association. (n.d.).

Finley, R. (n.d.). A guerrilla gardener in South Central LA . TED.

G., F. E. D., Rimas, A., & Yu Yŏng-hun. (2012). Ŭmsik ŭi cheguk: ŭmsik ŭn ŏttŏk'e munmyŏng ŭi hŭngmang sŏngsoe rŭl chibae hae wannŭn'ga = Empires of food: feast, famine, and the rise and fall of civilizations. RHK. Editors. (2017, October 17). Irish Potato Famine.

United Nations. (n.d.). Goal 2 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. United Nations.
