Who am I?

Hello I am NM and I am a freshman at GCE lab school. I'm going to talk about philosophy, the incredible and fascinating philosophy. This is about who you are and "who am I" in fact, our class that we are making this project for is called "Who Am I?". For this Action Project, we are making a podcast and this is mine. I'm going to talk about what I believe in. This topic is really important to me and I feel like I haven’t ever had the chance to share my opinions on this, so I’m really glad I have this class that kind of forced me to.

Has God made a cake that is the earth and are we the sprinkles? I have been raised with no religion. One specific time when I was very young my mother asked me if I believed in god. She didn’t act like god was real, she just genuinely wanted to know my beliefs because she had never told me what to believe. My mother did believe in god and still does, but I didn’t know that at the time because she never told me anything about it. I didn't really believe in god and I do not believe in god. At least not god as a superior heavenly being above us all that controls and creates the world. I spent my life thinking about what the world was and what I am. I remember being very young, like about 6 or 7 years old, looking around while walking and being so amazed that I am an alive human being. I would look around and wonder about the world and how it is all possible. My mother read many books and told many stories to me about thought, your mind, and your beliefs. She has been through a lot and she is an immigrant, and I do really think that she has passed on unconsciously some unconscious worries about a family member coming home or about getting kidnapped or stolen from. This actually relates to Carl Gustav Jung’s thoughts of the collective unconscious. Through my life I realized my beliefs by thinking so much, and listening to other people. I have always been an attentive listener, probably because I never talked, but it really made me listen more, and people have really interesting thoughts on how they should act in this world. I believe that you are your own angel, you are your own devil, and you are your whole world. I believe that the meaning of life is living, and I believe that the purpose of life is to be your own hero. Today I interviewed my grandmother because she is a lot older than me and I care about her opinions and I am also curious about them. I learned that my grandmother is actually a lot more wise than I thought, she had really good answers that she was confident about. I noticed that my grandmother definitely has had changes in her beliefs through her lifetime because of lost loved ones and traumatic experiences. What I learned most from the interview was that I will most definitely change some of my beliefs and thoughts throughout my life and it might be for the better or it might be for the worse. I feel like my grandmother is her own person and she isn't wrong or right about what she said, that's just how she has grown and shaped her beliefs. I wouldn’t be sure of what is wrong or right in the world but I do know that I’ve heard many perspectives and I respect them all. “Seeing the effect that doing good things has on other people”, when she said this I realized I hadn’t thought about it like this and I had only thought about how other people inspire me to do good things. I hope that I make many people happy because I truly want more people to be happy. This is my ultimate goal in life. I don’t remember seeing many people being affected by other people doing good things but I hope to make them through my life. I know that my beliefs have changed through my life and I know that many other human beliefs have changed. Do you think that yours have changed? Throughout my life my surroundings have been beautiful and I have been very happy with them.  My sister and I grew up with no religion because our parents didn't agree on the matter. I think that this was very good for us because it allowed us to come up with our own beliefs and form them throughout our lives so that we could form our beliefs to be what we truly believed. This relates a lot to the big philosophers in Athens a long time ago. This is because for example Plato was a very thoughtful philosopher that thought over a lot of time to form his own perfect beliefs. This goes with most of the older big philosophers in Athens like Socrates and Aristotle. Democritus believed that nature was made completely of atoms, the building blocks of matter. We know that this is true now, though that doesn't interest me much and I haven't thought about that type of philosophy in my beliefs. Plato believed that there are two regions, the region of senses and the region of ideas. I agree with this idea that Plato came up with as well as the idea that everything flows. These philosophers spent their lives overthinking for a very long time and thinking and creating their own beliefs. This kind of means that we are all philosophers in our own way. I believe that if there was a god which I did not believe but if there was, I believe that God has created the earth and the earth is just like a cake with many layers and God threw some sprinkles on the cake and the sprinkles are us. I am a very optimistic happy person and I am the second child out of two so I don't know if this will influence your thought of me but it's okay because I love you because I love all human beings because I love sprinkles. I don't actually like sprinkles but I like humans so just I want you to think about your life I want you to think about thought of in itself and I want you to think about how your life decisions and your life choices influence everyone around you and how you grow, how you believe, and how your beliefs change. This is really important, because you are your angel, your devil, and you are your whole world. Thank you for listening. 
