How much water do you ACTUALLY use?

    What is your personal water usage? My personal water usage is about 106 gallons of water per day. That is 402.42 liters and 84 pounds. In Sudan, 42% of the people lack access to clean water and sanitation. Even though it might seem like there are many people that get water happily everyday, that’s not necessarily the case. Many people have to walk for a while to get to their closest water source, and maybe only bring back 6 gallons for the rest of the day. The walks can be really long, just to get 6 gallons of water. When I did this for school on a Field Experience, I only walked .318 miles for 5 minutes carrying 3.5 gallons. The water we brought back was slightly green and we definitely didn’t drink it. When the people in Sudan get back from getting their water, they will have to filter the water. Clean water can be really hard to get for lots of people. These people have to use only this water for the rest of the day and for everything. I have calculated that I use 43 gallons on hygiene, 17 gallons on cleaning, 19 gallons on food and cooking, and 27 gallons on other. I live in America, and the average person in America uses 88 gallons of water per day, so I use more than the average person in America. The average person in Sudan uses 20 gallons of water per day. That is 75.8 liters and 160 pounds. That means I use a lot more than the average person in Sudan. If I carried water from the closest water source from my house at the same pace as I did on the FE, it would take 30 minutes because it would take 15 minutes to walk 1 mile. If I wanted to carry 106 gallons of water back to my house, I would have to go about 46 times. It would take 4 hours and 20 minutes to carry back the water. The most important thing is for everyone to have access to clean water and sanitation or water and filters. If humans need these things to get to the next motivation, then it shouldn’t be taken from them. Water and sanitation are physiological/safety needs. They are some of the most important needs.  A really good thing to do is to make sure everyone has water filters, so that everyone can have filtered water/clean water. 

How much water do you use per day in GALLONS?

780 million people in the world don’t have clean water. 2.5 billion in the world don't have sanitation. That is more than 35% of the world's population. Some ways to reduce your water usage are turning the faucet off when you brush your teeth, and take showers instead of baths, preferably shorter showers.

 (2020). Home. Retrieved September 27, 2020, from 

 (2020, May 5). Hand Hygiene Day. Retrieved September 27, 2020, from

(2019, June 18). 1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe drinking water – UNICEF, WHO. Retrieved September 27, 2020, from

 (2016, July 13). Stories of Success in Kenya! Water For Life... Retrieved September 27, 2020, from

Howard Perlman, U. (2020). How Much Water Do You Use at Home? Retrieved October 08, 2020, from
