Hello! I am a junior in Global Citizenship Experience lab school. This year I am taking a Rhetoric class where we learn about the uses of rhetoric through writing, speaking, presenting, and art. We have gone to many interesting and insightful field experiences. We've gone to Civic Projects, 33rd ward "working families", the 48th ward, and more. For this Action Project we are meant to pick a social issue in the world and create some form of art for it. Since I have a passion for visual art, I decided to make a powerful drawing for my piece of art.

I want to break the sound barrier when it comes to LGBTQ+ POC discrimination. I chose this issue because it is something that makes me very angry and I am very passionate about it. I am also a part of the LGBTQ+ community and have seen lots of this discrimination myself. First, here is some important information that you need to know about this issue:

    - “24% Share of LGBTQ+ people of color who reported some form of negative or discriminatory treatment from a doctor or health care provider”.

    - “44% Share of LGBTQ+ people of color who report that discrimination has affected their ability to rent or purchase a home to some degree”.

    - “48% Share of LGBTQ+ respondents of color have an income below $40,000 a year”.

    - So much of youth’s anxiety and depression is based on hate, violence, and discrimination from their parents or guardians.

Why see someone differently or discriminate based on someone's sexual identity, racial identity, sexual orientation, or the color of their skin??? If you love your children why restrict them from expressing themselves and being who they are?? We aren't any less SMART, we aren't any less CAPABLE, we aren't any less OURSELVES.

My audience is the people who are in some type of power over anyone who is part of the LGBTQ+ or/and POC community. People like parents or guardians of people part of the LGBTQ+ or/and POC community, their bosses in their jobs, and even government officials.

The number of people being discriminated against due to being a part of the LGBTQ+ and/or POC community is undeniably high. So much of youth’s anxiety and depression is based on hate, violence, and discrimination from their parents or guardians. I want to express this through my art, I want to scream out "QUEER RAGE".

For my artwork, I am making a powerful drawing that I plan to Screen Print onto posters, shirts, tote bags, etc. For now, I have created my sketch, my drawing, my design, and my message.

In order to make my artwork effective, I need to use the rhetorical appeals that I learned to use through visuals. Big bold font and text - It catches people’s attention, and people can read it clearly from close or far away. The contrast in color - Draws people’s eyes to it, people want to look at it, and it pops out. Pathos- Screaming through artwork, gets people emotional and gets people feeling things. I worked hard on making a design that uses these aspects and appeals, and I think I did a pretty good job.

Here is my finished design:

"Queer Rage", NM, 2022

Soon, I will be Screen Printing this design. Screen Printing. Screen Printing is a way of printing that uses a silk screen to transfer ink onto anything from a sheet of paper to a shirt or even a wall. I may not be able to print this week, but these are the materials that I will need to do it:

Sketching paper and pencils



Printable table with hinges

Screen printing inks

Exposure unit

Registration plastic

Something to print on

Screen Printing is a printing method that is often used for activism. The art that is usually Screen Printing has a graphic design aspect to it, to catch people’s attention and send a message. This is exactly the type of visual art that uses rhetoric to get messages across. Screen Printing is also one of my favorite mediums to use, so I am excited to use this skill. When I Screen Print this message I hope to print it on many shirts and posters. I would love to give these out and spread my art and this activism.

This was one of my favorite action projects so far this year. I really enjoyed picking my own issue because I was able to choose something that I am very passionate about. I also loved creating art around it and being able to choose an art medium. I spent a while brainstorming because I wanted it to be really good, and I wish I had more time but I am still proud of it. Thank you for reading!


Director, M. C. A., Coleman, M., Director, A., Director, J. P. S., Parshall, J., Director, S., Gordon Director, P., Gordon, P., Director, Medina, C., Mahowald, L., Bedekovics, G., Richards, R., Spitzer, E., & Simpson, E. (2022, August 22). LGBTQ people of color encounter heightened discrimination. Center for American Progress. Retrieved November 10, 2022, from https://www.americanprogress.org/article/lgbtq-people-color-encounter-heightened-discrimination 

Director, M. C. A., Coleman, M., Director, A., Director, J. P. S., Parshall, J., Director, S., Gordon Director, P., Gordon, P., Director, Ndumele, N. L., Roque, L., Ives-Rublee, M., Mahowald, L., Bedekovics, G., Richards, R., Spitzer, E., & Simpson, E. (2022, August 22). Black LGBTQ individuals experience heightened levels of discrimination. Center for American Progress. Retrieved November 10, 2022, from https://www.americanprogress.org/article/black-lgbtq-individuals-experience-heightened-levels-discrimination/

United States: Un expert warns LGBT rights being eroded, urges stronger safeguards. OHCHR. (2022, August 30). Retrieved November 10, 2022, from https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/08/united-states-un-expert-warns-lgbt-rights-being-eroded-urges-stronger
