Origin Story - Only Darkness

       Hello, I am NM and in my school, I‘m in a "stories" class where we have read many origin stories and learned a lot about the art of storytelling. In this class, we also learned about similes and metaphors, which make a story so much more compelling and interesting. We had a storyteller come into our school and she helped us understand even more what storytelling can do. In this class, everyone had to write their own fictional origin story. We could write it about how the earth came to be, how soulmates came to be, how humans came to be, etc.. I decided to make my origin story about how the earth came to be, and I was very happy to write it. This class has already helped me with my writing so much, so I am proud to present my own origin story of the earth called “Only Darkness”.

“It all started,  

                                       with the Gem of Destruction and the Gem of Creation. These Gems are small like dice, except they are long done with their clattering. The Gem of Creation is a dark blue, rhombus-shaped Gem. If you come close to the Gem of Creation, you can see a welcoming pine green glint on the Gem. The Gem of Creation’s favorite thing to do is create humans, plants, and everything we see in the enormous world today. The Gem of Destruction is dark brown, slightly smooth, and red at some angles. It has the same gradient as a bottle of whiskey. The Gem of Destruction erupts like Mt.Vesuvius. It destroys all that is in its path, like a roaring tornado. It swallows the world in its hungry destruction. The Gems do opposite things to the world. However, these two go hand in hand. The Gem of Destruction clearing a path for new life to be created, and the Gem of Creation creating all it can and wants for the earth. The two Gems love each other, though they can’t reach each other, and they do very much complete each other. This love is not romantic, for the Gems started as one. They started as a sparkling multicolored dish in the sky. This dish was slowly floating, like an oreo in a cup of milk. It was surely a dish someone was eating off of in the wide sky, that harshly fell and shattered. However, only two fragments came down close to the earth. These two are the Gems we speak of. The Gem of Creation realized its existence and created a cave for protecting itself and the Gem of Destruction. The Gem of Destruction and the Gem of Creation were soon carried by comfort in their new home. Nobody was to bother them with the clinks of forks or loud munching anymore. They could create their own life, and they could do it together. They even had a new home from which they could rest or create and destroy. The Sky Cave is what I would call it, and it is as dark as a cave on earth. More specifically, it is a cave hidden from the likes of arrogant humans, instead being opened to the two beautiful, sweet, and ruling minds of those who have been upwards and away from earth. The cave is dark and nobody, not even the Gems, can see each other. Everyone is loudly bumping into each other. The darkness in the cave is like hands, gently holding their huge unopened eyes. It is so dark in there, almost as if everybody was born without the gift of sight. But not quite, because It seems that the only hope in the cave is the shining Gems that are at each end of the dark, gloomy cave. The living beings in the Sky Cave are frantically moving like working ants. They walk every day, looking for something to change, and something to do. The beings don’t know it, but these beings are the reflection of what the Gems of Creation and Destruction have created and destroyed on earth. The Gem of Destruction and the Gem of Creation do not want light for themselves, for they are shining bright how they are. So the Gem of Creation sends light to the earth, and the Gem of Destruction sends the darkness that the earth needs to have that light. In doing so, they complete the cycle of life. Without light, there is only darkness.” The 12-year-old looked up to the moons round face, eyes sparkling with astonishment. “How do you know all of this moon?” The moon looked down at the bewildered child like she was her own and said, “because it was my head that the dish shattered on, and I've had the perfect view of what happened next from up here.”

The shattering of the shining dish (by NM)
