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Mexico wage gap vs U.S. wage gap
[12:42 PM]In the uncontrolled group, (the people that improve without comparison or being controlled) white men get more than women of all races and ethnic groups. The biggest pay gap is from the African American women, Hispanic women, American Indian women, and Alaska Native women. They get about $0.75 for every $1 a white man makes, and it's improved by $0.01 from 2019. This means they get 25% less than what white men get. There was a National Development Plan in the U.S. in 2013 to 2018. It was the mainstream of gender equality and women’s empowerment in all of its areas. There was also the National Gender Equality Policy in 2013 to 2018; it was focused on advancing substantive equality;[12:42 PM]substantive equality is when everyone gets equality with considering everyone's circumstances. Women now have proven to have higher education than men, this information is according to many sources, including They claim that they also have an incredible amount of student debt. Also because of the gender pay gap women have a harder time getting jobs that pay enough to repay the loans of the student debt. Even women in retirement end up having around 70% of what men do. Now in 2020, women in Mexico are 36% less likely to get equal job opportunities than men are[12:43 PM]Women are now 28% less likely to receive an equal wage for the same work than men are getting. Lots of women have to do work for children and the house. Women perform over 75% of all unpaid housework and childcare in Mexico (according to many sites, including Because of all of this work they are doing in the house, they can’t work at paid jobs as much. Women in Mexico are 36% less likely to get equal job opportunities than men are. Women are now 28% less likely to receive an equal wage for the same work than men are getting. Lots of women have to do work for children and the house. Women perform over 75% of all unpaid housework and childcare in Mexico (according to many sites, including Because of all of this work they are doing in the house, they can’t work at paid jobs as much.[12:43 PM]
Two similarities between the U.S. and Mexico are that they are both nominally federal republics (the countries that are governed by the people elected instead of a king or queen), and they both have a similar political organization. There are many differences as well, like the language and culture.[12:43 PM]The culture can be a big part of gender equality because for example people didn't know about it as much in Mexico. The problem is that females don’t get as much money as men do when they work the same. When women have children, they have to work very hard, but they don’t get paid for taking care of their children. This event makes it hard to find jobs when they are already working, and it isn’t fair that they do more work and get less money for it. I believe that this fact happens all the time and everywhere but people don’t realize or don’t care about it. We should all get what we earn for everything that we do. Many women are suffering as the cause of this problem, and it's not just in Mexico I think they learn a bit about gender equality from the U.S.
[12:44 PM]“The Gender Pay Gap – AAUW : Empowering Women Since 1881.” AAUW, 18 June 2020, “UN Women Launches a Self-Assessment Tool to Measure the Wage Gap in Companies.” UN Women | Americas and the Caribbean, 2020, M, M. (2020, June 18). Higher Education & Other Career Pathways – AAUW : Empowering Women Since 1881. Retrieved November 11, 2020, from
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